Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mysteries Solved

The following Saturday,  I proceeded to go through the half dozen or so boxes of parts.  There were many repro parts in bags, lots of nuts and bolts, and parts fragments as well.  All of the new parts were certainly money saved, but nothing was more than $20 each.  Still happy and satisfied with the purchase.

The first real highlight for me was realizing that in the box were 3 sets of Hassler Beehive shocks.  Why 3, not 4, I have no idea.  But everything I have read thus far says if you put them on the back it makes the ride too stiff anyway.  For some reason, all of them have RH cast on them.  I am hoping I do not own 3 sets of shoes for the right foot only, but will have to research.  Also amongst the parts was 2 sets of fender irons, 3 sets of headlights, new wiring harnesses, new Champion X sparkplugs still in the wrapper, etc. etc.

What no one could/would ever tell me was the status of the engine.  No one at the consignment location would even affirm that the engine would turn over.  It was the first thing I checked prior to putting it on the trailer in Billings.  I grabbed the crank and gave it a turn to confirm the engine was not frozen.

Apparently, Wayne the former owner could not complete the project due to illness, and the status of it at the time work stopped was unclear for all.  One of the things I found in the boxes was a "to whom it may concern" note wishing the new owner well in completing the project.  I felt really bad for a man who obviously had put so much thought and work into the project, only to not see it to completion.  Eccelsiaties

So, time to really see what I had mechanically.  I removed the bolts from the transmission cover - my jaw dropped.  The transmission was rebuilt - so fresh that there was not oil in the transmission, just assembly lube.

I resisted the temptation to pull the head.  I removed a spark plug and peered into the hole.  Stunned again, I saw that it was spotless - as in never has been run.  Further, peaking up at me from the edge of the valve was a bronze valve seat.  The engine had been rebuilt for unleaded fuel.  Those two things alone, if you were to pay someone else to do the rebuilds, covered what we paid for the car.  I am just trying to relay the joy I felt that this was a solid project upon which to build.  Now what to do with the foundation we had acquired.