Friday, March 11, 2011


I really wanted a steel firewall to form the foundation of the cowl we needed to build.  Low hood wood firewalls were used approx 1917-1922.  There is a memo in the Ford archives from early 1923 saying that they were going to transition to steel that year, then another in April 1923 that the transition was completed.  My car was built in May 1923.

Model years run according to Ford fiscal year, so a model year is roughly July 1922 - June 1923.  Sometime mid-1923 model year (late calendar year 1923), the "High Hood" style was introduced.  That means that a low hood, steel firewall is bit of a rare deal.

But, isn't the Internet a great thing!  Found one, simply advertised as being straight and in good condition.  When I got this one, it was all of that and more.  It still had factory paint and cowl lacing on it.  Cannot say it had never been used, but it sure appears not to have been used - much.